Monday, December 24, 2007

My first kitty

I wanted to show off my first kitty cat toy. I'm still trying to catch Hershey & Kisses, but in the meantime, I'll practice on this one. It doesn't run away from me.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

7 months old!

I'm 7 months old now and I'm crawling with a one-arm army crawl. The other arm is my propulsion. I'm still crawling on my belly because I have not mastered the hands & knees yet. I would rather walk holding someone's fingers... and I do it well, hanging on tight. Mommy & Daddy think I'm gonna just skip the crawl and take off running.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Southpark Santa

I got to see Santa today. My favorite thing to do is pull hair and steal eye glasses. I didn't know what to do first. I've never seen so much hair on someone's face before. I told him I was a good girl this year.

Friday, November 9, 2007

6 months old!

Well, my 6-month doctor appointment went well, aside from those nasty shots they keep giving me. I am now 17 lb. 10 oz. and 26 1/4 inches long! That's almost 2 pounds and an inch and a quarter bigger than my 4-month appointment. Mommy tried to feed me carrots, but I do NOT like them one bit. I'm fine with the 'ninny' and rice cereal for now. See how big I am? My shirt says, "My little turkey". It's definately gonna be a Thanksgiving outfit.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

What a treat!!!

I spent Halloween day over Gamma's house. Gamma handed me the phone and I said, "hi". Mommy says it is a great "first" in honor of the memory of Great-Pop-Pop's birthday.

I wasn't thrilled with my costume this year. I was a loaf of Wonder Bread. The costume was hot and I couldn't move and it was hard for me to stand with no foot holes. The stickers on my face hurt coming off. We won't do THAT again. On a happy note, I got to see Aunt Sue, Uncle Tim, my cousin Nicole, Gamma, Pop-Pop and Mammaw that day, plus several neighbors before I got too cranky. I slept REALLY good for Mommy & Daddy that night.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

My First Jack-O-Lantern

Look what we did! Once I found out the head pops off this thing, I didn't wanna let it go. I wasn't grossed out at all tasting it's guts. All in all...... it was a great family night!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Rice Cereal......YUM!

I like this rice cereal stuff! Believe it or not, some actually made it into my mouth.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Pumpkin Patch Kid

I found mine!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Play Time

Look how happy I am in my exersaucer! I'm 5 months old today!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Look how cute I am!

Sunday, September 30, 2007


Look what I learned to do. I can't wait to try it in church when it's really, really quiet!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Tongue Clicking Milestone

I've finally mastered the tongue clicking. I will mimic anyone that does it to me. I'm also very interested in Kisses as you can see in the picture (the big black blob there). Somehow I don't think he shares in my enthusiasm.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Super Baby!!!

My bib keeps flipping around to the back, so Daddy made me an instant super hero. Look how I fly through the air with the greatest of ease..... I'm Super Baby! It cracked Mommy up!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

I rolled over AGAIN!

Finally! It was not so traumatic this time. The only fussing I did was because I didn't want any stinkin' "tummy time". Look how happy I am now! There was no audience for the actual event, but it's obvious I did it.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Roll Over Milestone

Well......, I rolled over from my front to my back today. I was NOT happy about it at all. If the first episode of screaming wasn't enough, I just kept reliving it and reliving it for a whole five minutes (it seemed like hours to everyone else). We tried to get a picture of this monumentus event, but everything just happened so fast. Too fast for me, for sure!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

I'm 3 months old!

I share my birth month with Aunt Sue (May), I just shared my 3-month birth DAY (August 9th) with Gamma and I was born on Wednesday, just like my Mommy. Another note, I was born in '07 and Mommy was born in '70. Pretty cool, huh?

Four Generations

I finally talked Mommy, Gamma, and Great Mammaw into getting together for a "Four Generation" photo. It took three months to wrangle everyone, but it was worth it. This is definately one to treasure.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Stars & Stripes

I helped Gamma & Pop-Pop host National Night Out. It was so hot (104 degrees). How do you like my new bikini? Daddy didn't want me showing so much skin, but Mommy talked him into it.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Stand Up & Dance!

Look! I'm 2 days from being 3 months old and I wanna stand so bad! Look how big I've gotten!

I think Sir Mix-A-Lot says it best, "I like big butts and I cannot lie..... you other brothers can't deny..."

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Styling & profiling

Look at this new outfit I got from Johnny & Mary! I give it the "thumbs up". Too bad I'm already outgrowing it.

Time to eat

I just love my Gamma. Look how I help her feed me.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Fighting Sleep

Once I get to sleep, I do great (about 7-9 hours a night) but I like to fight Mommy & Daddy most of the time. Daddy was holding me the other night when I was fusssss-yyyyy. He made the trek through the house, bouncing me up and down. You cannot sit down when I'm fussy. I was staring at the pendulum on the wall clock until I figured out their ingenious plan..... they want me to to go to sleep. I let out 3 HUGE cries to show them who's the boss, then instantly fell fast asleep on Daddy's shoulder. I just wanted the last word.... just like my Momma!

Monday, July 9, 2007

Grandma O, Uncle Daniel & Cousin Skylar

My Grandma O, Uncle Daniel & my cousin Skylar came to visit us in July. I was so facinated in Skylar, I could not stop staring at her. It was so nice of them to travel all the way from Kentucky just to see me. I feel so loved.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

My Pop-Pop

This is Mommy's favorite picture of me with my Pop-Pop. I love him so much.