Saturday, August 25, 2007

Super Baby!!!

My bib keeps flipping around to the back, so Daddy made me an instant super hero. Look how I fly through the air with the greatest of ease..... I'm Super Baby! It cracked Mommy up!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

I rolled over AGAIN!

Finally! It was not so traumatic this time. The only fussing I did was because I didn't want any stinkin' "tummy time". Look how happy I am now! There was no audience for the actual event, but it's obvious I did it.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Roll Over Milestone

Well......, I rolled over from my front to my back today. I was NOT happy about it at all. If the first episode of screaming wasn't enough, I just kept reliving it and reliving it for a whole five minutes (it seemed like hours to everyone else). We tried to get a picture of this monumentus event, but everything just happened so fast. Too fast for me, for sure!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

I'm 3 months old!

I share my birth month with Aunt Sue (May), I just shared my 3-month birth DAY (August 9th) with Gamma and I was born on Wednesday, just like my Mommy. Another note, I was born in '07 and Mommy was born in '70. Pretty cool, huh?

Four Generations

I finally talked Mommy, Gamma, and Great Mammaw into getting together for a "Four Generation" photo. It took three months to wrangle everyone, but it was worth it. This is definately one to treasure.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Stars & Stripes

I helped Gamma & Pop-Pop host National Night Out. It was so hot (104 degrees). How do you like my new bikini? Daddy didn't want me showing so much skin, but Mommy talked him into it.