Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I love the camera!

Cameras and phones are not safe with me. It's all about me! Look how fast my army crawl is now. It won't be long 'til I'm walking.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Sitting up all by myself

I've been able to sit up on my own for a long time now, but I have just figured out that I can do it all by myself! I did it for the first time over Gamma's house. Check me out! With my newfound confidence I am even trying to crawl on all fours, but the army crawl still seems faster for me.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Look...... Hair!

Check it out! I have enough hair for a single curl! I'm so excited.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

I'm not tired...

Look how Daddy found me when I was supposed to be napping! I guess it's time to put the mattress down another notch. Mommy found me pulled up on the aquarium (it's peeking behind me in the right picture) a couple days ago.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

8 months old

Look how big I am. Some new things I'm doing now are: clapping (with closed fists) and pulling up on everything (much to the delight of Mommy & Daddy....not). I've been able to sit up on my own for a couple months now, but I still struggle to get that way from my belly or my feet. I'm working on that, mostly while I'm on the changing table. My shirt says "Mini Me" 'cause I'm the spitting image of my Daddy!