Saturday, May 10, 2008

My First Birthday Party

I had lots of people over for my first birthday party. I had fun destroying the cake my Gamma made for me. I also discovered this new thing called "ice cream". I've had tastes of it in the past, but I got my very own cup of this stuff and I REALLY like it. The two boys in the picture are my buddies, Jake Chappell (centered) and Caleb Shell (right).

Friday, May 9, 2008

1st Birthday & First Boo-boo

Well, it was bound to happen.... I fell into the metal bracket on our screen door. I got 4 stitches ON my birthday. It freaked Mommy out pretty good. Daddy seemed really calm through the whole ordeal. To add insult to injury, I was running around the Chippenham Hospital waiting room, tripped and fell on the same spot causing it to start bleeding again. I was a trooper through it all, though. I think it hurts Mommy & Daddy more.