Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Uppa Hands

Daddy says, "uppa hands" and this is what I do. I'm styling & profiling in the jogging suit my Gamma got me. What do you think?
Daddy put me on the counter to get a good picture. I'm not sure about this.....

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I've turned into a little copy-cat. Mommy & Daddy call this "Eeeeeeeee" because I tense up with both fists, grit my teeth, stretch my neck and stick my chin out. Everybody says it's too stinkin' cute.

Early Halloween 2008

I could not wait to try on my new Halloween costume. The video is rather long, but too cute not to share. The only full-length mirror we have is in the hall bathroom, so it was a tight squeeze. Check it out!!!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

15 months old today!

I was being a ham while taking these pictures, so it was too hard to choose just one:

Here's the demure picture.... I'm not awake yet. But it shows how big I've gotten.

Here's the happy baby picture. I enjoy making Mommy & Daddy nervous because I would not sit still in the rocking chair.

..... and these pretty much speak for themselves......