Monday, November 17, 2008


This is what I do now when asked to smile for the camera.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

I'm 18 months old today

I love the word "Bubb-ooooooos" (bubbles with puckered up lips), but I'm also saying a couple new words: "Mel-mo" (Elmo), not to be confused with "Elbow" (I found a new body part and I'll show 'ya, too).

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Check out my house!

Daddy brought home a box from work. Mommy and Gamma decorated it. I'm having so much fun!

Look.... it's got a plaque that says, "House of Traci", a porch light, a doorbell, flowers and two windows!!!


Happy Halloween

I'm still not quite sure what I'm supposed to do on Halloween, but I loved visiting the neighbors and watching their reaction to my costume. I missed my afternoon nap so it was a very short night. I slept long and hard this night.

Daddy helped me with my costume

How do I look, Mom?

Oh yes.... I like it!