Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Mommy & Daddy Snarls


Saturday, December 27, 2008

Visiting Ben & Linda

We went to exchange presents with Ben & Linda. I did not sit still long, but I did have to keep an eye on Ben so he wouldn't "get me". Linda needed help putting the lid on her water bottle. I had lots of fun.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Christmas was lots of fun! I got so many cool toys!

My very 1st tricycle

Pop-A-Cone.... YUMMY!

Monkey Kiss

My fav cuz, Alana

I love to read and I got lots of new books for Christmas

I don't know about this, Mommy.....

Dancing with Guitar Hero at Lynn & Tom's house

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Checking out the ornaments

I really like our Christmas tree. I'm careful most of the time not to pull the ornaments off. Here are some of my favorites:

I really like rocking in the rocking chair, and I like horses. Here's the best of both in an ornament.

This is my SECOND Christmas. Gamma got me this one.

...and last, but certainly NOT least, Jesus IS the reason for the season. Happy Birthday Jesus!

Christmas Outfit

Check out the new Christmas dress Grandma O gave me. The stockings have the shoes built in. Too cool! I cannot wait to show everyone my new dress.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

I'm a HAM!

I love to play dress up. Look at this beautiful headband I found!

..I've been very careful not to pull the ornaments off the tree, but I still have to touch them. My favorites are the eskimos, snowmen and angels... Oh yeah!.... and anything that has me or Mommy & Daddy's picture in it too!

Check out my outfit with the matching pants (not). I just love taking clothes out of my dresser drawer and putting them on..... layer upon layer.

LOOK! Ornaments!!!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I'm 19 months today!

Christmas is very exciting for me this year. I love pointing out the pretty decorations and lights on all the houses. I want to touch all the pretty ornaments on my Christmas tree too.

Some new things about me:

I'm getting two more teeth now.... that makes a total of 8!

I'm being courteous by using the signs, "please and thank you".

I also am signing "drink" when I'm thirsty.

Mommy & Daddy must be careful what they say and do around me..... I'm a little mockingbird.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Southpark Santa Picture

Well, I didn't cry, but I did not smile either..... did you see the mug on this Santa guy?!? I don't think he has any teeth!