Friday, June 19, 2009

VA Beach here I come!

We went to Virginia Beach and had a blast! I had no fear of the waves at all. I didn't like them splashing my face, though. After 5 hours of the sand and surf, I was tired! I don't even remember the car ride home.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Night-night time is getting tougher and tougher and I don't want to go, so I'll just throw a fit, toss everything out of my crib and take my fitted sheets off the bed. Most of the time I toss the sheet out as well, but tonight I decided to leave it as a hat. If I had known Daddy would take a picture, I wouldn't have my hand in the "Al Bundy" position. I'm sure this picture will be used against me in the future.....

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

25 Month Old

I did not want to sit in the chair for this month's photo, so I decided to do a "cheerleader pose". What do you think?