Sunday, August 30, 2009

Not just photogenic....

I'm not just a ham in front of the camera.... I love taking pictures too! This is my handy work. I took a picture of our Family Feet....

Daddy, me and Mommy!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Baby Line-up

I love to line up my babies when I wake up in the morning. In fact, I've been known to line up lots of things.....: beach chairs at the toy store, booster seats at restaurants, books at home. They all have to be lined up left to right and perfectly straight. The picture shows me counting my babies and posing for the picture. I'm such a ham.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Baking Cookies with Daddy

Daddy let me help bake cookies today! I took the wrapper off the butter.....

and stirred the ingredients.....

and sat in my chair watching them bake in the oven.

They turned out YUMMY!

Daddy said I was a BIG help.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Gamma and Uncle Tim!

We went out to eat to celebrate Gamma's birthday on the 9th and Uncle Tim's birthday on the 6th. I had a great time. I got Gamma a photo album of pictures of me. I recorded my voice saying, "happy birthday, Gamma", but the batteries died before she got to hear it for herself. Hopefully we can find some replacement batteries soon.

"Gamma right THERE"... (Gamma has to sit in the seat beside me)

my Uncle Tim

Playing "got your nose" with Aunt Sue

27 months old today

My vocabulary astounds Mommy and Daddy on a daily basis. My favorite TV shows are Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Backyardigans and Handy Manny. I love playing on my play gym out back, but the tiger mosquitos are terrible right now. I have mastered all the gates in the house. No, I don't open them, I just climb right over. Thank goodness I've only tried the crib once.

Friday, August 7, 2009


CMoR is my favorite place. It stands for Children's Museum of Richmond. I have a great time every time I am there. I try to make friends with everybody. I am quite the social butterfly and I'm not shy at all.