Saturday, January 30, 2010


The snow came early Saturday morning and continued to fall all day long and into the night! We got more than 7 inches! LOTS of snow to play in. Daddy was busy shoveling the porch and the deck and came to help shovel some of the snow off my play gym too. then he buried me in the snow. It was SO much fun.

I go "super fast" down my snow covered slide! It's LOTS of fun!

See how fast I go?......

Monday, January 4, 2010

My 1st Dentist Appointment

I had my very first dentist appointment today at 2 1/2 years old.

The dental hygenist was REALLY impressed with how well I listened and sat still during the exam. They counted my teeth and cleaned them too. I could watch through the dental mirror they gave me. The instruments they used were "the tickle machine", "the squirt gun", and "Mr. Suction".

I was rewarded with a toy from the toy chest and a balloon. What more could a little girl ask for?