Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A masterpiece for my baby brother

While in the hospital, there was a special room where I could color a picture and show it to my new baby brother.


Here I am talking with my Daddy through the nursery window. Daddy is explaining why I cannot see my baby brother right now.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Cutie Patootie

Oma came to visit and stay with us while Riley is born.  This is me being a "goose" the night before "D-day".

Saturday, May 1, 2010

It's my party and I'll be shy if I want to.......

Mommy and Daddy did my 3rd birthday party one week early this year.   I had a blast jumping on my new "jump-jump" from Mommy and Daddy.  I enjoyed getting soaked to the bone with my new sand/water table Gamma & Pop-Pop got me, too.

When everyone gathered in the kitchen to sing Happy Birthday to me, I got so embarrassed!  No-one's ever seen that reaction from me before!!!