Monday, February 20, 2012


We finally got some snow this season.... it was wet snow and not a lot of it, but I still had lots of fun playing!

Friday, February 10, 2012

New Glasses!

Check it out!  I got new glasses today.  Actually, I got two pair... one pink and one purple.  I keep telling everyone that I can see with and without them, but I'm foolin' no-one... I like to wear them all the time.  Now, if only I could teach my baby brother that he needs to wear his all the time....

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Dress up day at school

Today was "dress up as your favorite animal" day at school today.  Can you guess what I am?

On a sad note, today was also the day Great Mammaw died.  We love you and miss you and we rejoice in the fact that you are now pain free and singing God's praises in Heaven!  We'll see 'ya later!